Category Archive: News and Events Post

Ensuring Precision and Quality in Cleanroom Assembly and Testing

Ensuring Precision and Quality in Cleanroom Assembly & Testing

At American Crane & Equipment Corporation (ACECO), our commitment to Building Top-Quality material handling equipment extends to every aspect of our operations. One of the key facilities that highlight this dedication is our Clean Room Assembly and Testing Bay. Although we do not operate a cleanroom facility in the traditional sense, our facility is a specialized space where we simulate a cleanroom environment to conduct critical load testing, wiring, final assembly, and more for our customers’ diverse needs.

Why We Have a Clean Room

Industries like aerospace require equipment that meet exacting standards of precision and reliability. Components and machinery used in these sectors must be free from contamination and capable of performing under stringent conditions. Recognizing these demands, we established this bay to provide an environment where our equipment can be assembled and tested under conditions that closely mimic those of a cleanroom.

By having a Clean Room, we offer several key advantages to our customers:

  1. Precision Testing: Cleanroom environments are essential for testing equipment because even the slightest contamination can compromise functionality. Our Clean Room Bay allows us to perform load testing and other critical evaluations in a controlled environment, ensuring that our equipment meets the highest standards of precision.
  2. Enhanced Quality Control: Final assembly and wiring enable us to meticulously inspect and verify every component. This thorough quality control process ensures that our material handling equipment is free from defects and ready for the rigorous demands of various industries.
  3. Customer Assurance: By providing a dedicated space for cleanroom-like assembly testing, we offer our customers peace of mind. They can trust that we crafted and tested the equipment in an environment that mirrors the stringent conditions of their own facilities.

Key Features

We equipped our Clean Room Bay with advanced tools and technologies to support a wide range of assembly and testing activities. Some of the key features include:

  • Load Testing Equipment: Ensuring that our cranes and lifting devices can handle specified weights and stresses without fail.
  • Wiring Stations: Precision wiring setups for intricate components, guaranteeing reliable electrical performance.
  • Final Assembly Areas: Dedicated spaces for assembling complex equipment with the utmost care and attention to detail

Commitment to Quality

Our investment in our Clean Room Bay reflects our broader commitment to delivering high-quality material handling solutions. By replicating cleanroom conditions, we uphold the rigorous standards required by various industries. This dedication to quality and precision is a cornerstone of ACECO’s mission.

Our Clean Room Bay is not just a facility; it is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence. We ensure every piece of equipment performs flawlessly by providing a controlled environment for assembly and testing. At ACECO, we understand that quality equipment is built in the proper environment, and our Clean Room Bay is a crucial part of that promise.

Focusing on quality, safety, and efficiency, American Crane continues to lead the way in providing superior clean room solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our Clean Room Bay or request a quote for our industry-leading material handling solutions.

Understanding CMAA Crane Classifications

Understanding CMAA Crane Classifications

Overhead cranes and hoists play an integral role in almost every industry, facilitating the efficient and safe movement of heavy materials. Selecting the appropriate crane for your application is crucial for operational safety, maintenance and overall efficiency. Understanding CMAA Crane Classifications is crucial; these classifications, developed by the Crane Manufacturers’ Association of America (CMAA), aid in the selection process and help ensure that the crane chosen is suitable for its intended workload and environment.

Crane & Hoist Classifications

Class A – Infrequent or Standby Service

Designed for precise handling at slow speeds, these cranes are ideal for environments where the crane is used infrequently, such as powerhouses, public utilities, and transformer stations.

Class B – Light Service

These cranes are suitable for light service environments where usage is low and operational speeds are moderate. Common applications include repair shops, light assembly operations, and light warehousing.

Class C – Moderate Service

These cranes are built for moderate service environments like machine shops and paper mill machine rooms. They handle loads averaging 50% of the rated capacity, making five to ten lifts per hour.

Class D – Heavy Service

These cranes are designed for heavy service requirements, such as in heavy machine shops, foundries, and container yards. They handle 10 to 20 lifts per hour with loads averaging 15 feet.

Class E – Severe Service

Throughout their life, these cranes handle loads approaching the rated capacity. Applications include scrap yards, cement mills, and lumber mills, performing twenty or more lifts per hour.

Class F – Continuous Severe Service

These cranes must handle loads approaching rated capacity continuously under severe conditions. Production facilitates use these cranesfor critical tasks, requiring high reliability and ease of maintenance.

Key Criteria for Crane Selection

Consider the following criteria when selecting the right overhead crane:

  • Speed: Measured in lifts per hour, determining how quickly the crane can move materials.
  • Service: Frequency of use.
  • Distance: The distance a crane needs to move the lifted materials.
  • Rated Capacity: The average rated load of materials moved.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Frequency and ease of maintenance.
  • Service Conditions: The environment in which the crane operates and its accessibility for servicing.

Quality and Reliability

At American Crane & Equipment Corporation, we manufacture cranes to CMAA Specifications 70 or 74, ensuring they meet high standards of quality and reliability. We design our products to exceed customer expectations, providing safe and efficient solutions for critical environments. With a large inventory of parts and components available for same-day shipping, we ensure minimal downtime for your operations.

For over 50 years, American Crane has been a leader in providing innovative lifting solutions. Our experts are available to assist with any questions regarding crane installation, operation, and maintenance tailored to your specific industry needs.

For more information on choosing the right overhead crane, download our eBook, “Understanding Crane and Hoist Classifications,” or contact the American Crane team today.

The Vital Role of Bridge Repair Travelers

The Vital Role of Bridge Repair Travelers

Maintaining and repairing bridges is essential for public safety and infrastructure longevity. At American Crane & Equipment Corporation (ACECO), we offer advanced solutions for these critical tasks, including our specialized bridge maintenance and repair travelers. Bridge repair travelers play a vital role providing safe and efficient access to the undersides of bridges, surpassing traditional scaffolding methods.

What are Bridge Maintenance and Repair Travelers?

Bridge repair travelers are movable platforms that enable technicians to inspect and maintain bride structures from beneath. These platforms are designed to move along the bridge, allowing uninterrupted traffic flow while work is being done. They come equipped with numerous features to ensure safety and efficiency, such as:

  • Anti-skewing technology: Ensures stable operation on uneven or misaligned runways.
  • Fully enclosed work platforms: Provides a secure environment to prevent falls.
  • Non-slip surfaces: Reduces the risk of slipping and accidents.
  • On-board personnel lifts: Enhances accessibility to various bridge areas.
  • Portable controls: Facilitates easy and precise operation.
  • Redundant drop capture systems: Prevents separation from the bridge for added safety.

Features of ACECO’s Bridge Travelers

ACECO’s bridge maintenance and repair travelers are available in several configurations, including self-propelled, gas, diesel, and electric versions. We custom design each traveler to meet specific project needs and incorporate durable materials like stainless, galvanized, or plated steel construction to withstand harsh environmental conditions.

Optional features can further enhance the functionality and safety of these travelers, such as:

  • Personnel seating
  • Telescopic extensions
  • Coast Guard-approved navigation lights
  • Diagnostic equipment
  • Backup motors
  • Emergency stop buttons
  • Warning devices

The Advantage of SAFTRACK® Technology

ACECO’s bridge travelers are equipped with the proprietary SAFTRACK® technology, which integrates advanced control software with reliable bridge crane components. Benefits include:

  • Enhanced stability: Anti-skewing technology accommodates uneven runways.
  • Custom solutions: Tailored designs using conventional crane components.
  • Independent drive control: Allows precise and flexible maneuvering.
  • Smooth operation: Controlled acceleration and deceleration for safe use.

Partner with ACECO for Superior Bridge Maintenance Solutions

At ACECO, we combine expertise, craftsmanship and partnership to deliver exceptional bridge maintenance equipment. Our custom bridge maintenance and repair travelers provide safe and efficient access to critical bridge points, minimizing the need for road or lane closures. For more information or to discuss your specific requirements, contact us or request a quote today.

Choosing ACECO ensures that your bridge maintenance operations are conducted safely and efficiently, supported by our extensive industry experience and high-quality resources.

Crane 101: Types of Cranes, Basic Terms and Structures

Crane 101: Types of Cranes, Basic Terms, and Structures

At American Crane & Equipment Corporation (ACECO), we believe that understanding the intricacies of crane types and their components is essential for efficient and safe operations. Cranes are indispensable in construction, manufacturing and logistics, enabling the lifting and moving of heavy loads with precision. This guide provides an overview of crane types, basic terminology and key structures involved.

Types of Cranes

  • Overhead Crane: Features a movable bridge carrying a hoisting mechanism that travels on an overhead fixed runway structure.
  • Gantry Crane: Similar to overhead cranes, but with the bridge supported on two or more legs running on fixed rails or runways.
  • Jib Crane: Has a bridge girder (boom) fixed at one end, often hinged to allow rotation, providing flexibility in small spaces.
  • Single Girder Crane: Runs on a single bridge girder, suitable for lighter loads.
  • Double Girder Crane: Utilizes two bridge girders, ideal for heavier loads and longer spans.

Learn more: The Basics of Cranes and Hoists

Basic Terms

Crane Components

  • Bridge: The main horizontal structure that supports the trolley and travels parallel to the runway.
  • Trolley: Carries the hoisting mechanism and moves along the bridge.
  • Hoist: The mechanism used for lifting and lowering loads.
  • End Trucks: Support the bridge girders and house the wheels that travel on the runway rails.

Learn more: The Four Key Crane Components

Structural Elements

  • Bridge Girder: The primary horizontal beam of the crane bridge.
  • Box Section: A rectangular cross-section of girders, enhancing strength and stability.
  • Camber: An upward curve in the girder to counteract deflection.
  • End Tie: Connects the ends of the girders to maintain structural integrity.

Load and Capacity

  • Capacity: The maximum load a crane is designed to handle, measured in tons.
  • Rated Load: The safe maximum load a crane can handle.
  • Critical Load: Any load whose uncontrolled movement could compromise safety systems.

Crane Movement

  • Reeving: The path the hoist rope takes around various pulleys and sheaves.
  • Span: The horizontal distance between runway rails.
  • Hook Approach: The minimum horizontal distance between the runway rail and the hook.

Safety Features

  • Anti-Collision: Prevents cranes from contacting each other.
  • Single Failure Proof: Design features ensuring that a single component failure won’t result in load loss.
  • Holding Brake: Automatically prevents motion when power is off.
  • Regenerative Braking: Uses electrical energy to control speed and feed it back into the power system.

Glossary of Terms

  • Adjustable Frequency Drive: Motor controller converting fixed frequency AC power for speed control.
  • Auxiliary Hoist: A secondary hoist for lighter loads at higher speeds.
  • Bogie: Short end truck distributing crane wheel loads.
  • Clearance: Minimum distance from crane extremity to nearest obstruction.
  • Collectors: Devices collecting current from conductors for the bridge and trolley.
  • Festooning: Power supply method for a traveling hoist.
  • Sheave: A grooved wheel or pulley guiding the hoist rope.
  • Top Running Crane: End trucks supported on rails atop runway beams.
  • Under Running Crane: Movable bridge running on the lower flanges of a fixed runway structure.
  • Wheel Load: The load on any wheel without vertical inertia force.

Understanding these terms and structures is crucial for anyone involved in crane operation, maintenance, or purchasing. At ACECO, we are committed to providing high-quality cranes and equipment, and we believe that informed customers are empowered customers. Proper knowledge ensures the safe and efficient use of cranes, contributing to overall project success.  To learn more, visit our Glossary Guide for Cranes.

How to Choose the Right Crane for Your Needs

How to Choose the Right Crane for Your Needs

Selecting the right crane for your needs can be a complex and time-consuming task. With a variety of cranes and hoists available on the market, understanding the key factors that influence your decision is crucial. Here are six essential considerations to help you make an informed choice for your crane and hoist combination.

1.   The Load

Understanding the load is fundamental. Key details include the loads dimensions, weight, surface characteristics, material, and fragility. Additionally, consider the load’s condition during handling (e.g., wet, dry, oily). If multiple types of loads need to be handled, you might require different crane and hoist combinations.

2.   Frequency of Use

The frequency and intensity of use, known as Duty Cycle Requirements, significantly impact the type of crane you need. Cranes are classified into six service classes, from Class A (Standby or Infrequent Service) to Class F (Continuous Severe Service). Selecting equipment designed for your specific service class ensures safety and longevity.

3.   Required Speed

The speed at which the crane travels and the hoist lifts and lowers is critical for operational efficiency. Ensure the crane’s speed aligns with your production processes to maintain a smooth workflow without compromising safety.

4.   Operating Environment

Crane and hoist systems can be used in various environments, both indoor and outdoor. Consider factors such as temperature, humidity, dust, hazardous conditions, and exposure to chemicals. Depending on the environment, you might need a custom crane and hoist solution to enhance reliability and service life.

5.   Expected Longevity

Routine maintenance is essential for the safe and reliable operation of cranes and hoists. Consider how often you want the equipment to run between servicing, the need for component replacements, and the overall lifespan. A well-maintained system ensures prolonged operation and reduces downtime.

6.   Budget

While it may be tempting to choose the cheapest option, a properly engineered crane and hoist system is often more cost-effective in the long run. Consider the total cost of ownership, including installation, spare parts, maintenance agreements, and service contracts. Investing in quality equipment reduces operational issues and enhances safety.

Additional Resources

For further guidance, several buyer’s guides can help you specify the right crane and hoist. The Crane Manufacturers Association of American (CMAA) publishes comprehensive resources detailing design safety standards and specifications. These guides are available for free download from American Crane’s online Resource Center.

American Crane also offers tailored publications: “How to Choose the Right Crane: A Crane Buyer’s Guide” and “How to Choose the Right Hoist: A Hoist Buyer’s Guide.” These documents provide a broader perspective on crane and hoist selection and are ideal for both novice and experienced buyers.

Your Expert, Craftsman and Partner

Leveraging the knowledge of experienced professionals is invaluable. Suppliers, manufacturers, and vendors with extensive expertise can help you evaluate your overhead handling options and determine the optimal solution for your needs. At American Crane, we are your expert, craftsman and partner – ready to assist you in finding the best crane and hoist combination. Connect with a project specialist today to get started on your investment journey.

By considering these factors and utilizing available resources, you can confidently choose the right crane for specific needs, ensuring safety, efficiency, and long-term reliability.

Maximizing Efficiency with Custom and Standard Lifting Solutions for EPC Companies and Contractors

Maximizing Efficiency with Custom and Standard Lifting Solutions for EPC Companies and Contractors

In the world of Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) and contracting, the reliability and efficiency of lifting systems are paramount. Whether you are a large EPC company embarking on new plant construction or a contractor seeking dependable cranes, hoists, lifting chains or rigging attachments, having the right equipment for your specific application is crucial. At American Crane and Equipment Corporation (ACECO), we stand at the forefront of providing both custom-engineered and standard lifting solutions designed to meet the highest standards of safety and performance. Discover how ACECO can help in maximizing efficiency with custom and standard lifting solutions for EPC companies and contractors.

High-Capacity Equipment: Meeting the Demands of Heavy Lifting

Overhead double girder bridge and box girder cranes are essential for robust lifting systems in industrial settings. These high-capacity cranes are designed to handle substantial loads with precision and ease, ensuring seamless operations in critical environments. With capacities of up to 300 tons, we engineer our overhead cranes for reliability, safety and durability, making them ideal for industries ranging from power generation to aerospace.

State-of-the-Art Features:

  • Precision Engineering: Our overhead cranes feature advanced engineering to ensure maximum efficiency and safety in lifting applications.
  • Custom Solutions: We offer custom-designed overhead cranes tailored to meet the unique needs of your project, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.
  • Enhanced Safety: Equipped with state-of-the-art safety features, our cranes minimize the risk of accidents and enhance operational safety.

Compensator Hoist: Precision and Flexibility in Lifting

The compensator hoist is a versatile lifting solution designed to provide precision and flexibility in handling pre-formed floor decks and other materials. This electric chain hoist attaches to crane hooks, allowing for tilting and precise positioning of heavy loads. Ideal for construction and industrial applications, the compensator hoist enhances efficiency and accuracy in lifting operations.

Key Benefits:

  • Precision Positioning: The compensator hoist enables precise control over the positioning of heavy loads, ensuring accurate placement and alignment.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for a wide range of lifting tasks, the compensator hoist offers flexibility in handling various materials and components.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: By streamlining the lifting process, the compensator hoist reduces downtime and increases productivity on the job site.

Crane Fork & Special Lifters: Versatility in Material Handling

Crane forks and special lifters are indispensable tools for lifting and moving a variety of construction supplies, such as bricks and tools. These attachments enhance the versatility of cranes, enabling efficient and safe handling of diverse materials. Crane forks and special lifters provide the reliability and flexibility you need.


  • Adaptability: Crane forks and special lifters can be easily attached to cranes, providing a versatile solution for different lifting requirements.
  • Efficiency: These tools streamline material handling processes, reducing manual labor and increasing operational efficiency.
  • Safety: Designed to securely lift and move materials, crane forks and special lifters minimize the risk of damage and enhance workplace safety.

Plate Clamps: Secure and Efficient Handling of Sheets

Plate clamps are essential for picking up sheets of steel, stone, and even glass in horizontal or vertical positions. These clamps provide a secure grip, ensuring safe and efficient handling of flat materials. Ideal for industrial and construction applications, plate clamps enhance the versatility and efficiency of lifting operations.


  • Secure Grip: Plate clamps are designed to provide a strong and secure grip on flat materials, preventing slippage and ensuring safe handling.
  • Versatility: Suitable for lifting a wide range of materials, including steel plates, stone slabs, and glass sheets.
  • Efficiency: By enabling quick and secure lifting of flat materials, plate clamps increase productivity and reduce handling time.

Tailored Solutions for Every Application

At American Crane and Equipment, we understand that every project is unique. That’s why we offer both custom-designed solutions manufactured and engineered in-house, as well as a wide range of standard “off the shelf” products. From small 1/2-ton ratchet lever hoists to 300-ton overhead cranes, we provide the right equipment to meet your specific needs.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expertise: With decades of experience in the industry, our team of experts provides knowledgeable and reliable support for all your lifting needs.
  • Quality: We are committed to delivering high-quality products that meet the highest standards of safety and performance.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Our focus is on understanding and meeting the unique needs of our clients, ensuring satisfaction with every project.

Contact Us Today

Ready to discover how ACECO can help in maximizing efficiency with custom and standard lifting solutions for EPC companies and contractors? Contact us today to learn more about how our products and services can enhance your operations. Our team is here to help you find a solution that works for you.

Blameless Problem Solving: 4 Healthy Habits for a Positive Work Culture

Blameless Problem Solving: 4 Healthy Habits for a Positive Work Culture

Facing problems in the workplace is inevitable, and they can be frustrating for everyone involved. However, the way you handle these problems can be the difference between an argument and a teachable lesson. Blameless problem solving is a powerful technique that should be practiced in every work environment. It guides you to find the root of the issue without creating a culture of blame and finger-pointing. Explore 4 healthy habits for blameless problem solving that can be applied in any work environment for a positive work culture.

Find the Root Cause

Rather than single out individuals, take a step back and examine the situation as a whole. Find the root cause of the problem – focus on what went wrong not who went wrong. Once the root cause is identified, you can begin brainstorming a solution. When you find the root cause instead of blaming individuals, you create an environment where people feel confident about coming forward and talking about issues in the workplace.

Focus on Solutions

Prioritize finding solutions. By shifting the focus from blame to solutions, you can work collaboratively to come up with effective solutions that prevent this issue from happening again. Brainstorming solutions together is great practice and a way to remember that no one has all the answers, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in issue resolution.

Identify Lessons

Opportunities for improvement often arise when things don’t go as planned. Embracing this mindset encourages individuals to reflect on their actions, drawing lessons from both failures and achievements. Proactively addressing lessons leads team members to develop new and more effective habits in the workplace. Identifying lessons as a team also helps to identify gaps in knowledge, ensuring everyone stays informed and aligned.

Get Smarter Every Time

Mistakes are bound to happen; we are all human. The key is to treat each mistake as a chance to learn and grow. This approach views mistakes from a constructive perspective and transforms them into a teachable moment. Creating an atmosphere that promotes continuous learning enables improvement in addressing the core issue rather than merely managing the symptoms. Cultivating a blame-free culture within your company paves the way for innovation, creativity and confidence.

At American Crane & Equipment Corporation, we are consistently striving to evolve into the best versions of ourselves. Integrating these 4 healthy habits for blameless problem solving into your company creates a positive work culture, encouraging everyone to be comfortable with making mistakes. For more information on our company culture, check out our Vision, Mission and Values and see how GRIT Matters at American Crane every day.

How Our Vision, Mission, & Core Values Reflect Our Culture

Core Values

At American Crane & Equipment Corporation, our company’s culture is deeply rooted in the values that shape our identity and guide our actions. Our vision, mission, and core values, encapsulated by the mantra “GRIT Matters: Perseverance, Heart, & Integrity,” serve as a compass for every aspect of our organization. In this blog post, we will explore how these principles resonate throughout our culture at ACECO and define who we are as a company.

Our Vision: Respected for Our People and Products

At the heart of our mantra lies our vision: to be the overhead lifting company most respected for our people and products. This vision speaks to our profound appreciation for the contributions of our employees and the value we place on delivering exceptional products and services to our customers. By prioritizing respect, we foster a culture that values collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement.

Our Mission: Delighting Our Customers and Making Lives Easier

At American Crane, we are passionately dedicated to delighting our customers. Our mission is to make their lives easier by delivering on our commitments, executing tasks with excellence, and ensuring promptness. By consistently providing high-quality solutions and exceptional service, we build lasting relationships with our customers, earning their trust and loyalty.

The Importance of Our People

At ACECO, we firmly believe that people are our most valuable asset. We understand the significance of creating a culture that fosters growth, empowerment, and safety for our employees. By investing in their personal and professional development, we cultivate a team of highly skilled and motivated individuals who are committed to delivering excellence in all that they do.

Embracing GRIT: Perseverance, Heart, & Integrity

At American Crane, we embody the spirit of “GRIT Matters” by infusing every action with perseverance, heart, and integrity. This ethos resonates throughout our organization, from the shop floor to the boardroom, driving us to overcome challenges, approach tasks with passion, and uphold the highest ethical standards.

Our Core Values:

Our core values serve as guiding principles that define us and guide our decisions and behaviors. Let’s explore some of these values that shape our culture:

1. Keep It Simple:

At ACECO, we believe in keeping things simple. We avoid unnecessary complexity and focus on clear goals and straightforward solutions, enabling us to solve problems effectively and deliver optimal outcomes.

2. Be Lean:

Continuous improvement is ingrained in our culture. We encourage curiosity, eliminate waste, and constantly seek areas for improvement. This mindset fosters a culture of innovation and efficiency.

3. Work Hard:

Our success at American Crane is the result of the dedication and hard work of our employees. By pulling together and going the extra mile, we accomplish our goals and achieve collective success.

4. Practice Follow-Through:

Actions speak louder than words in our company. We place a strong emphasis on delivering on our commitments, following through on our premises, and taking responsibility for our actions.

5. Be Passionate:

Passion fuels innovation and drives excellence at ACECO. We encourage our employees to do what they love, creating an environment where dedication and enthusiasm thrive.

6. Be Humble:

Humility is a cherished value within our organization. We remain grounded, value the contributions of others, and work collaboratively toward our shared goals.

7. Life Matters, Be Safe:

Safety is paramount in our operations. At American Crane, we understand that investing in safety is not only a moral imperative but also an investment in the well-being of our employees and the overall success of our business.

At American Crane & Equipment Corporation, Our Vision, Mission, and Core Values are the foundation of our culture. By embodying the principles of perseverance, heart, and integrity, we create a culture that fosters excellence, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Together, we strive to maintain our position as a leader in the overhead lifting industry, delivering outstanding products and services to our valued customers while creating a fulfilling and empowering environment for our employees.

Driving Innovation and Excellence: How MHI & CMAA Elevate ACECO in the Overhead Lifting Industry

Driving Innovation and Excellence: How MHI & CMAA Elevate ACECO in the Overhead Lifting Industry


At American Crane and Equipment Corporation (ACECO), we have been proudly serving the overhead lifting industry for over 50 years. Our commitment to being Expert, Craftsman, and Partner has made us a trusted name in the industry. In this blog post, we will explore how our mission to make your life easier aligns with our involvement in industry associations like MHI and CMAA, as well as the benefits of repurposing content to provide you with the best possible solutions.

The Power of Partnerships: MHI and CMAA

The Material Handling Industry (MHI) and the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA) hold significant importance in the overhead lifting industry. At ACECO, we recognize the value of these associations and actively participate in them to ensure that we provide the best possible solutions to our clients.

MHI serves as a reputable trade association, acting as the voice of the material handling and logistics industry. By being a part of MHI, ACECO stays informed about industry trends, standards, and technological advancements. Our membership in MHI grants us access to valuable resources and networking opportunities, enabling us to deliver cutting-edge solutions that make our customers’ lives easier and more efficient.

Similarly, ACECO’s affiliation with CMAA, a respected trade association representing manufacturers of overhead cranes and hoists, highlights our commitment to upholding the highest quality and safety standards. CMAA plays a vital role in establishing specifications and guidelines for overhead cranes, ensuring that they meet industry regulations. By aligning our operations with CMAA standards, we prioritize the reliability and safety of our lifting equipment, providing our customers with solutions they can trust.

Our participation with MHI and CMAA showcases our dedication to staying informed, collaborating with industry leaders, and contributing to the advancement of the industry. These affiliations reflect our company’s commitment to being your Expert, Craftsman, and Partner. We strive to deliver superior products and services while upholding the highest standards of quality, safety, and professionalism. Through these associations, we leverage knowledge, resources, and networking opportunities to lead the industry with our new Smart Crane Technology and other innovative solutions.

Learn more about CMAA and MHI here:

Making Information Accessible

At ACECO, we recognize the importance of knowledge in making well-informed decisions. That’s why we embrace dynamic information dissemination strategies. By adapting and sharing valuable insights across multiple platforms, we ensure industry expertise is accessible to a broader audience, including our esteemed partners.

Through collaborative efforts, we reinforce our position as thought leaders in the overhead lifting industry. Whether it’s through our blog, social media channels (YouTube, Facebook), or contributions to reputable industry publications, we offer diverse formats to cater to various learning preferences. The inclusive approach enables us to actively engage with our partners, providing the essential information necessary to navigate the ever-changing landscape of our industry.

At ACECO, we do what we commit to do, we do it well, and we do it on-schedule. Our goal is to make your life easier, and we are dedicated to solving your most complex problems.

Together, we evolve, innovate, and build a brighter future in the overhead lifting industry.


Contact us to learn more.

From Lygra to America: A Journey for the Pursuit of Happiness

Oddvar Norheim Next to a Duobox Crane


On the anniversary of our nation’s independence, we are reminded of the framework that makes our nation stand out among the many great nations of the world, particularly the rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Even though we have waivered as a nation throughout the years, the heroes of this land fight to make sure that freedom is felt from sea to shining sea. Therefore, we have been a beacon to the world, “This is where you can make a name for yourself, the land of opportunity where anything is possible,” Lady Liberty says as she gazes upon glistening skyscrapers that stand as testaments to the heights one can reach if they dream big.

Oddvar Norheim was one of those dreamers, born on a small island off the coast of Bergen Norway called Lygra. After receiving his bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering, from Bergan Technical College, in Norway, and serving in the Norwegian NATO army, Oddvar sought to travel to the United States where he built our company, American Crane & Equipment Corporation. He created several patents, such as SafLift™ (a process used to transport nuclear fuel). He fostered a friendly and collaborative environment within his company, where no idea was out of the question and the impossible seemed possible; and in 2010, he visited the White House, to discuss trade policy alongside government officials and President Obama. 

When Oddvar became a U.S. citizen, on May 6, 1987, he was given the opportunity to present a speech to the recipients about why he decided to become an American citizen:

 “I believe that America is the country that gives the most opportunities to its people and that the American dream is still achievable. The traditional spirit of the U.S. society that describes the nation as a democratic land of opportunity in which social, political, economic, and religious freedoms prevail—is alive and well; one man is as good as another and any man can achieve his dreams, if only he will. America took on a difficult task after the second world war when it became the nation to protect the freedoms of the world. Of course, this has given many countries and individuals the opportunity to blame America for everything that is wrong, but the strength and determination of this society continues the fight to achieve peace and freedom—showing the kind of people this country is made up of and the strength of our Constitution and the values we so strongly believe in. The willingness of this country to defend freedom around the world is something we all should be proud of. The beauty of this country is no better described then through the words of Samuel A. Ward when he wrote “America the Beautiful” – spacious skies, majestic mountains, and amber waves of grain. America surely does have it all. And we cannot forget the bountiful American highways and king size American cars. It’s hard to find words to express my feelings today as I become part of this grand society, and there is not one factor that made me decide to become a U.S. citizen, but all the things mentioned above and more.”     

Oddvar saw hope in the aspects of America we often take for granted, and in that hope, he achieved his dreams and was able to forge a legacy grand enough to influence the lives of many and present a future for his kin, before passing in October of 2021. Oddvar saw and came to represent the true essence of what it means to be an American; the idea that no matter where you are from, your beliefs, or background—if you are willing to work hard and out of love, not hate, you can elevate your life and the lives of those around you. That’s why here at ACECO we honor Oddvar’s GRIT and determination every day, committing to foster the growth, empowerment, and safety of the people we work with and the customers that hire us.

At ACECO we value our people and everything they have to contribute; so, on this 4th of July, we ask that you remember to value the people of this nation, because without our differences and melting pot of ideas…America would not be the great nation it is today.